Looking for Extra Income? Think About Scrap Metal Recycling
Not only is scrap metal recycling a responsible thing to do as natural resources become depleted, it can also be a profitable endeavor for scrap metal recyclers. Businesses often find it more profitable to create products from recycled materials, and a scrap metal recycler forms a valuable link in the supply chain to divert these materials from landfills back into the manufacturing cycle.
Getting Ready to Recycle Your Scrap Metal
After you've finished a demolition or other project, you may wish to recycle your scrap metal. Scrap metal is not biodegradable, so it's ideal for recycling. And while Encore Recyclers will buy your metal when mixed together, you may be able to achieve a better price for your scrap by separating out your scrap metals and doing a little prep work, such as removing plastic, rubber, or other contaminants. Read on to learn how to best separate and prep your scrap materials.
Should You Burn Your Copper Wire to Earn More Money For Scrap?
Spoiler alert: NO! We saw a disturbing video of a man advocating the burning of insulated copper wire, purportedly to qualify the wire as Copper #2, which brings a higher sale value when sold as scrap than insulated wire. Please don't do this.
Recycling Aluminum Cans
Did you know that aluminum used to be considered such a rare and precious commodity that Napoleon Bonaparte's nephew, had a rattle and other toys made of aluminum, as a status symbol? Even though aluminum is the third most abundant element in the Earth's crust, at the time it was extremely difficult to produce. In fact, aluminum was selected as the material to use for the 100-ounce capstone of the Washington Monument in 1884, a time when one ounce cost the daily wage of a common worker on the project. The capstone, which was set in place on December 6, 1884, was the largest single piece of cast aluminum at the time.
Whether you’re selling metal on an industrial, commercial, or individual scale, our friendly and knowledgeable buyers are ready to help. Contact us and get an estimate right away.