Encore Recyclers Does Not Accept Any Dangerous Materials
We also expect incoming loads to be free of dirt and other non-metallic debris. Weight adjustments will be made for excessively dirty loads.

Easy in, ready out. Go to the covered bay for more previous metals… Stainless steel, copper, motors, etc. They weigh your vehicle for the bulk metals. Then you dump said metals. Then they weigh your vehicle again afterwards. You then take your ticket(s) to the cashier to receive cash payment. Don’t forget your ID, or you won’t get paid.

Been here about 3 times. First time truck bed full of PCs and Mainframes. Torn down into circuit boards, cd drives, and scrap metal. Made a good amount of cash. Others times smaller items. Mainly scrap metal. But was glad to get a little cash instead of just throwing away with regular trash. Going back this week.

I love this place… any kind of metal, brass copper or anything else they will take and give you the best price in the Metroplex.

Great place and they pay real good! The ladies inside are very nice, beautiful, and professional.