stainless steel

How to Tell the Difference Between Aluminum and Stainless Steel

2021-02-23T03:01:47-06:00Categories: How To|Tags: , |

Stainless steel and aluminum are both worth collecting, but we all know that their values are different—and, of course, you're going to get more money for each scrap haul if you sort different types of scrap out from one another. However, telling the difference between aluminum and stainless steel can be very challenging, especially when you're out in the field without a ton of tools to help you in identifying different metals. Here's a short, helpful article on how to tell the difference.

Scrap Metal Hidden in Your House

2021-02-23T03:41:11-06:00Categories: Scrap Metals|Tags: , , , , |

The easiest way to get started as a scrapper is to start scrapping materials in your own home. You can learn many of the skills necessary to becoming a successful scrapper, without the added difficulty of looking for and asking permission to take recyclable materials. Most people are surprised when they find out how much potentially valuable recyclable scrap metal is in their own home—and love making a positive impact on the environment while also earning a little extra cash.

Know Your Steel to Make the Most Money from Scrap Recycling

2021-02-23T03:53:24-06:00Categories: Scrap Metals|Tags: , |

Steel is an essential material that scrap yards are constantly seeking. In fact, as much as 50% of the steel created in the United States ends up being recycled to make new steel components. This is good for the environment and the economy because steel can easily be reused to create new steel products. However, not all steel is the same—and different steels fetch different values. To make the most money when recycling your scrap with Encore Recyclers, you should learn a bit about different types of steel.

Getting Ready to Recycle Your Scrap Metal

2023-02-20T08:45:21-06:00Categories: Scrap Metals|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

After you've finished a demolition or other project, you may wish to recycle your scrap metal. Scrap metal is not biodegradable, so it's ideal for recycling. And while Encore Recyclers will buy your metal when mixed together, you may be able to achieve a better price for your scrap by separating out your scrap metals and doing a little prep work, such as removing plastic, rubber, or other contaminants. Read on to learn how to best separate and prep your scrap materials.

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