
Scrapping Your Tools

2021-02-23T02:53:18-06:00Categories: How To|Tags: |

If you're a scrapper, you keep a lot of tools around—and if you're a contractor, construction worker, or landscaper, you've got even more tools. A lot of businesses keep tools around, too. However, tools don't last forever, and there's a much more responsible and economical way to get rid of the old ones than chucking them in the trash.

Top 4 Tools Every Scrapper Needs

2021-02-23T03:45:09-06:00Categories: How To, Safety|Tags: , |

Gathering, cleaning, sorting, and transporting scrap can be a ton of work. However, that work is completely necessary if you want to get the most money for your materials and have the best scrapping experience. Luckily, there are plenty of tools out there that will help everyone from the novice to the expert scrapper. Here are the top five tools every scrapper needs.

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